A downloadable prototype for Windows

This is the beginning prototype of an ambitious game project. There's no telling how it'll turn out, or if it will ever be finished, but until then, this is the game:

START GAME - Select the level you'd like to play on! (Currently there's only one!)

HIDEOUT - Select your weapons here! Just click on the weapons to select or deselect them.

OPTIONS and EXIT GAME are self-explanatory.

There's only one robot that chases the player. You can't actually get attacked yet. But you can shoot these robots for fun for now.


The Midwave Story (Ver.0.5) 63 MB
The Midwave Story (Ver.0.4) 55 MB

Install instructions

You are currently downloading a compressed file. There is an executable file inside labeled "The Midwave Story (Ver. sth)", which you just double-click to open. This starts the game. All important files are already in place.

If the game doesn't start, just extract all the files into some folder and then it should work.

Development log